Original Chimi Churri can be used as a table condiment applied to your food while you eat or used in the cooking process. This can also be applied to you food before cooking as a rub. Delicious on beef, pork, poultry, fish and wild game.
A Classic chimi churri has been used as the argentine steak sauce. This succulent blend of garlic, onion, paprika, chili powder, oregano, cumin and salt create a flavor enhancement for any type of meat. Chimi churri is a traditional argentine sauce and is the perfect addition to any meat dish. This Classic chimi churri is flavorful and tangy, not very thick.
Ingredients: parsley, garlic, crushed pepper, oregano, and other spices. low sodium. keto friendly.
HOW TO USE: Sauce: put one part mix to 1 part vinegar in a bowl. allow a few minutes for the mix to hydrate and absorb the vinegar. add 2 parts oil.